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IKON Training
for WHAT Associates

IKON designs and runs training courses designed to help staff handle challenging and aggressive behaviour. Many of IKON’s clients are NHS Trusts*.

I proposed that IKON offer clients an additional way to buy training. Retained resource provides a dedicated in-house training team without the client having to recruit, train or manage one.

It makes it easier for the client to budget and provides a more predictable income stream for IKON.

I wrote the content for this website and for IKON Training brochures and supporting material.

I wrote the positioning statement, ‘Positively confident at work’ and came up with the roundel ‘IKON LIVE’ when the pandemic hit and training needed to be delivered online.


*shockingly, Lockdown led to an increase in aggression in the NHS. Learn more in this piece I wrote 2020 as an SEO booster.



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